تعلم الهولندية بالفيديو
ORDER in DUTCH in a CAFE or RESTAURANT // Dutch for BEGINNERS les 23 (NT2 – A1)

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💖 DOWNLOAD the SCRIPT with all the sentences and questions here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/41231504
If you want to learn more Dutch, visit my website: https://learndutchwithkim.com/
Do you want to practice SPEAKING Dutch?
- Find a tutor on iTalki: https://bit.ly/italki-kim
- Join a community of Dutch learners and natives: https://dutchlanguagecafe.com/
Thinking of joining? Use the code DUTCHIESTOBE for a 30% discount on the first 2 months at the check-out page here: https://bit.ly/DLC-kim
- Or become a Patron Silver or Gold and join the CONVERSATION CLASS every last Friday of the month! https://www.patreon.com/learndutchwithkim
What I use for my videos & writing:
Grammarly premium: https://bit.ly/grammarly-kim
Intro- and outro jingle: Lino Rise - That's fun (license)
Epidemic sound: https://bit.ly/epidemicsound-kim
Canva (license)
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Phrases to use when you go GROCERY SHOPPING:
Responses in Dutch:
<pre><code><br />🎥 In this class, I'll teach you sentences and questions you can use when you're going out for food or drinks. So how to order, pay, ask about dishes and also: what is the waiter or waitress actually asking you..?
In deze les leer ik jullie zinnen en vragen die je kunt gebruiken als je buiten de deur gaat eten of drinken. Dus: hoe bestel je, vraag je om de rekening en vraag je wat er in bepaalde gerechten zit? En wat vraagt de ober of serveerster jou eigenlijk..?
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<pre><code><br />DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!
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Thank you al lot!😍
Extra thanks to:
– Lune Leupen from Fleur’s Koffie (coffee shop in Den Haag)
– Joel Martinez (Versatile Design) for creating my new LOGO!
#learndutchforbeginners #learndutchphrases #dutchconversations