Learn Dutch phrases with Bart de Pau!
Combine your knowledge of Dutch vocabulary and Dutch grammar: practise phrases in Dutch!
In the video series ‘Heb je zin?’, Bart de Pau shows you an animated video in simple Dutch. The video has subtitles in 2 languages: in Dutch and in English. That way you can practise what you’ve learned already on learndutch.org: combining the most common words with the basic Dutch grammar.
For free weekly Dutch lessons (sent by e-mail), you sign up here:
Leer Nederlandse zinnen met Bart de Pau!
Met de Nederlandse lessen in de serie ‘Heb je zin?’ combineren we de basis woordenkennis Nederlands met de kennis van de basisgrammatica. In de NT2 video zie je een eenvoudig verhaaltje in het Nederlands, met ondertiteling in het Engels en het Nederlands.
Bart de Pau is an online Dutch Tutor at learndutch.org and program manager at the Dutch Summer School, https://dutchsummerschool.nl
To make phrases you need to understand the grammar theory – online course #dutchgrammar can be recommended: https://www.learndutch.org/dutch-grammar/