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Learn Dutch online | Basic Dutch vocabulary – lesson 1 – New version!


Learn Dutch Online – Free online Dutch courses

Dutch Lesson 1: Most common words in Dutch by Bart de Pau.

Dutch language course “1000 most common words in Dutch” is developed by Bart de Pau. This video is Dutch lesson 1 in a series of 40 videos, with each 25 Dutch words.

The online Dutch course is aimed at beginners, who want to learn Dutch online fast and want to reach quickly a basic vocabulary, without spending too much time on grammar.

You learn dutch words and the english translation, and a picture. For learning pronunciation, each word is repeated twice.

Best way to study the course is:
1) watch this video 1 or 2 times
2) study the word list online Dutch lesson 1: https://www.learndutch.org/lessons/introduce-yourself-in-dutch/
3) do the test;

Dutch vocabulary test 01 – Introducing yourself

repeat it if you made mistakes
4) no mistakes in the test – then go to the next lesson

This is a fully free course. Just one thing – if you like my course, please share it, like it, and subscribe to my youtube channel.

I regularly add new online Dutch course videos, and you can also find them on our website to learn Dutch online:

Learn Dutch Online – Free online Dutch courses

Bart de Pau is an online Dutch language teacher. He works at the Dutch Summer School – https://www.dutchsummerschool.nl