🔴🔴🔴والآن أبدأ رحلة تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية🔴🔴🔴 +++++++++++++++++++++مرحبا أيها الأصدقاء
في البداية ننصحكم بتحميل تطبيقنا لتعلم المفردات باللغة الانكليزية
◀ حمل التطبيق أضغط هنا ▶
بعض الأخطاء الشائعة في حروف الجر
هناك العديد من الأخطاء التي تقع عند استخدام حرف الجر و ذلك غالباً باستخدام الترجمة الحرفية عن اللغة العربية. و من أبرز هذه الأخطاء :
1- الخطأ في استخدام حرف جر لا لزوم له :
- Please answer to my question “خطأ”
- Please answer my question “صح” (أجب عن سؤالي من فضلك )
- I finished from my work
- I finished my work / أنا أنهيت عملي
- He needs to a pen
- He needs a pen / هو يحتاج إلى قلم
- She reached to the school
- She reached the school / هي وصلت إلى المدرسة
- They entered to the room
- They entered the room / هم دخلوا الغرفة
- We visited him in the next day
- We visited him the next day / نحن زرناه في اليوم التالي
- You can join to us
- You can join us / يمكنك الانضمام إلينا
2- الخطأ في عدم استخدام حرف جر حيث يتطلب الأمر استخدامه :
- He is knocking the door
- He is knocking at the door / هو يقرع الباب
- Please remind me his name
- Please remind me of his name / ذكرني باسمه من فضلك
- He can reply her inquires
- He can reply to her inquires / هو يستطيع الرد على أسئلتها
- She waited you
- She waited for you / هي انتظرتك
- I went a walk
- I went on a walk / أنا ذهبت في نزهة
- Don’t argue him
- Don’t argue with him / لا تجادله
3- الخطأ في استخدام حرف جر بدلاً من آخر :
- Be careful from that man
- Be careful of that man / كن حذرا من ذلك الرجل
- He is good in English
- He is good at English / هو جيد في اللغة الانجليزية
- She is sitting on the table
- She is sitting at the table / هي تجلس على الطاولة
- Look to the picture
- Look at the picture / انظر إلى الصورة
- I am angry from him
- I am angry with him / أنا غاضب منه
- She is afraid from the dog
- She is afraid of the dog / هي تخاف من الكلب
- He threw a stone on the cat
- He threw a stone (at/into) the cat./ هو رمى حجراً على القطة
- She was laughing on him
- She was laughing at him / هي كانت تضحك عليه
- He was happy from him
- She was pleased with him / هو كانت مسرورة منه
- I walked until the tree
- I walked up to the tree / مشيت حتى الشجرة
تستخدم until للتعبير عن الزمن فقط .
و لكثرة الأمثلة فضلنا أن نضع التعبيرات المرتبطة بحروف جر معينة، ويفضل حفظها مع حروف الجر المرافقة لها كوحدة متكاملة . و فيما يلي أهمها مرتبة هجائياً :
- He was accused of stealing
- I am accustomed to hot weather
- She is afraid of dogs
- She agrees with him
- He is angry with her
- The matter was apparent to him
- He will argue with them
- They will arrive at the village
- He was ashamed of his conduct
- I am astonished at the matter
- They believe in god
- He is careful of his health
- ? Can I comment on this
- She always complains of the heat
- The team is composed of ten players
- The week consists of seven days
- The mountains are covered with snow
- He cured of his illness
- The U.S. Congress corresponds to the British Parliament
- She depends on herself
- My book is different from yours
- She was dressed in black
- I was engaged in reading
- She is engaged to her cousin
- He failed in history
- It is full of oil
- Get out of here
- He is good at mathematics
- He is incapable of running
- She is jealous of her sister
- She was laughing at him
- They are pleased with you
- He can reply to her inquires
- ? Are you satisfied with your marks
- I am sure of his honesty
- I walked up to the tree
- I went on a walk